About PEPD

Partnership for Education and Professional Development [PEPD] was born out of necessity. Our founder Kimberly Alexander was a former school district administrator and special education teacher. She was continually frustrated by the lack of training available to her teachers and support staff in multiple areas of need. Kimberly decided to partner with her dear friend and colleague, Ana Reyes, a Board Certified Behavior analyst (BCBA) to build PEPD to meet the unique needs that so many school districts struggled with.

Student behavior is a constant and continuing area of deficit for school districts. We are uniquely prepared to help you through this process. We look forward to partnering with you and your staff to insure you receive the highest level of training available.

Let us help you keep students in the classroom and keep teachers successful.

Ragi Boctor, CEO

Dedicated to Kimberly Alexander, your legacy lies in the hearts of many students and teachers who have been shaped and molded by your care.

Our mission is to help foster positive learning environments for both students and teachers.

“Teachers have always known that a student that is not in the classroom is not learning. The Behavior Interventiontraining gave our teachers the tools to change the student’s behavior and keep him/ her in the classroom.”

— Dr. Karen Walker, Assistant Superintendent, La Mesa-Spring Valley USD

Explore Our Behavior Intervention Courses